Maixmilian Steinbeis (Bild: Dr. Wolfgang Dittmar)
Maximilian Steinbeis, D
Born 1970 in Munich, lives in Berlin. Lives by and for the writing: His debut, the narrative Schwarzes Wasser, a "disturbingly beautiful Lolita story "(NZZ), appeared in 2003 published by C.H. Beck.
As a lawyer and journalist (1999 – 2008 Editor and correspondent for the Handelsblatt, 2009 founding of the Verfassungsblogs) he writes essays, articles and reports on legal and constitutional issues.
First literary texts originated in 1995. His novel Pascolini, a grotesque Thief-Biography in postwar Bavaria, appeared in 2010 by Aufbau publishers.
Maximilian Steinbeis (Bild: Dr. Wolfgang Dittmar)
Banner_TDDL2011 (Bild: ORF)