Contact (Bild: ORF)
Contact, addresses, telephone numbers
If you have any questions concerning the Festival of German-Language Literature, please call or send an e-mail. You will find the main contact details below.
The Festival of German-Language Literature is a series of events organised by the ORF Landesstudio Kärnten and the provincial capital of Klagenfurt in association with 3sat and the support of VILLIglas and kelag.
Thanks to all supporters, promoters and friends of the Festival of German-Language Literature. A project of this kind can only succeed if we all work together.
The organisers wish to thank the family of Ingeborg Bachmann for permission to the use the designation of the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize.
Event locations in Klagenfurt:
Musil House
Bahnhofstraße 50
Tel.: +43/(0)463/2700-2914
Robert Musil Literature Museum/Literature Course
Tel.: ++43/(0)463/501429
13 Sponheimerstraße
Tel.: +43/(0)463/5330-0
Event Office in the ORF Theatre:
As usual, you will be
able to find us in the ORF Theatre Sponheimerstraße 13
(garden entrance), right-hand staircase.
6. July: 18.30 – 22..30
7. und 8. July: 9.30 – 15.30
9. July: 9.30 – 14.30
10. Juli: 10.00 – 14.00
Press office in the ORF Theatre
behind the kelag café
7. – 9. July: 9.30– 17.00
10. July: 10.00 – 16.00
Binia Salbrechter
Martina Gruber
Kathrin Ofner
Tel.: ++43/(0)463/5330-29528
Download server
As a service for all media, a seperate download area has been set up on our server where current press photos can be downloaded in print quality.
Download area for press photos
Festival of German-Language Literature:
Bachmann Prize
ORF Landesstudio Kärnten
Sponheimer Straße 13
A-9010 Klagenfurt
General email address Bachmann Prize
Michaela Monschein
Bachmann-Prize ONLINE
Literature Course:
Heimo Strempfl
Tel:+43 -463-501429 (Fax ext.: -3)
Musil Institute
Bahnhofstraße 50, 9020 KlagenfurtBanner_Musilmuseum_Logo
Edith Himmelbauer
Tel.: +43/(0)463/2700-2914
Internet Editorial
ORF ON Editorial Office Carinthia
Sponheimer Straße 13
A-9010 Klagenfurt
Phone: +43 -463-5330-29191/ 29192/ 29193
E-mail editorial office: Barbara Frank Iris Hofmeister Petra Haas
The organizers wish to thank the family of Ingeborg Bachmann for permission to use the designation of the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize.
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