Hildegard Elisabeth Keller
Hildegard E. Keller (Bloomington/Zürich)
Born in 1960 in St. Gallen, lives in Bloomington and Zurich. Studied German Philology, Spanish Philology and Sociology. Teaches German literature at the Indiana University Bloomington (USA) and at the University of Zurich.
Since 1995 performing and producing scenic readings with medieval literature and music; since 2004 also performing and producing audio media (incl. Stimmen aus mittelalterlichen Klöstern 2005; âventiure vür daz ôre, 2005; Die Stunde des Hundes, 2007).
Hildegard Elisabeth Keller (Bild: Michael Miete_Berlin)
Works as a journalist (e.g for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, DU), freelance work for the radio (Radio DRS 2) and member of the board of the Literaturhaus/Museumsgesellschaft Zurich, as well as the Gottfried Keller-Gesellschaft Zürich.
Contact adress:
Hildegard Elisabeth Keller
Zollikerstrasse 265
8008 Zürich