Paul Jandl (Bild: Privat)
Paul Jandl (Salzburg)
Born 1962 in Vienna, lives in Salzburg. Studied Germanistic and philosophy in Vienna. From the late eighties, a freelance critic and cultural journalist for Austrian and German print media.
Numerous essays and portraits of German- language literature.
Work for radio. 1998 – 2009 Austrian culture correspondent for the Neuen Zürcher Zeitung. 2008 guest professor as Max Kade Critic in Residence at the Washington University St. Louis.
Since 2010, feature correspondent and critic for the German daily newspaper Die Welt.
Editor of Jung und Jung Verlags, Salzburg.
- Austrian State Prize for Literary Criticism 2005.
Paul Jandl (Bild: Privat)
Hubert-Sattler-Gasse 3/12
5060 Salzburg