Clarissa Stadler (Bild: ORF/Thomas Ramstorfer)
Clarissa Stadler (Moderator)
Born 1966 in Vienna, lives in Vienna. Raised in Germany, Belgium and Austria. Studied Business Studies in Vienna.
After an internship at ARTE TV worked as a cultural journalist for various print media, among them at the Standard. In 2005 his book N. Eine kleine Utopie was published by Droschl.
Since March 1997, Clarissa Stadler has worked with the Culture Editor at ORF television.
From March 1999 to April 2007 she was part of the hosting team for ZiB-Kultur.
She has presented ORF-Kulturmontag alongside Martin Traxler since April 2007
Info: Kulturmontag
Clarissa Stadler (Bild: ORF/Thomas Ramstorfer)
Banner_TDDL2011 (Bild: ORF)