HP_Maya_Das weisse Blatt (Bild: Johannes Puch)
H.P. Maya: The blank page
Times have become harder and more grave which also reflects this years stage set. The white, blank sheet raises questions. What can literature achieve? "In times like these" just how important can it really be?
The "Tabula rasa", the blank page, cannot stay blank in Klagenfurt, it must be written upon so that one day the single pages make books.
To H.P. Maya, who has designed the stage sets in the Klagenfurt ORF Theater for the 25th time, it is a matter far more then "just" creating television scenery. His sets never want to take centre stage. For this Kärntner artist it is important to create a sensitively designed space for the readers and the jury. A space which just reflects what IS. And leaves space for what words and texts will BE.
HP Maya_Das weisse Blatt (Bild: Johannes Puch)
H.P. Maya does not agree with the often quoted phrase "Art is a skill". For the skill, the craft must be present, he says, otherwise we ought not even speak about art. The perfect mastery of techniques is not the most essential. But the message of the artist. As such art does not come from skill, it comes from telling proof.
HP Maya_Das weisse Blatt (Bild: Johannes Puch)
Vita: Heinz Peter Maya
born 1944 in Villach,
lives in Villach
Federal Trade School of Applied Arts in Graz. Master class in painting with Prof. Szyszkowitz. Studied in Rome and Munich. Travelled through Europe, Africa (Sahara) and the USA.
Solo exhibitions in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, as well as participation in international exhibitions and art markets.
His artistic versatility is evident in his painting, graphic design, his micro-experiments and work with plants and tree objects as well as art in architecture and his stage sets for theater and television.
Coordination and design of many art projects and exhibitions, Biennale INTART, project Alps, Art Association Kärnten. Photo documentation and animation for films.
His works can be found in numerous art collections, museums (Albertina, Wolfgang Gurlitt Museum, Kärntner Gallery, Museum Bochum, etc.) and in private collections.
HP Maya_Das weisse Blatt (Bild: Johannes Puch)
Banner_TDDL2011 (Bild: ORF)