The 3sat Prize 2008

The 3sat Prize is a 7,500 € stipend. It is sponsored by a consortium consisting of the four public television broadcasters: ZDF, ORF, SF DRS, and ARD.

"No land more loves" won the 3sat Prize.

In the run-off vote against Clemens Setz, Patrick Findeis won the 3sat Prize worth 7,500 Euros for his text "No land more lovely". His juror, Burkhard Spinnen, said he had voted for a text for which the author had found "a perfectly harmonious language" to express his concern and in which the contemporary problems of the characters and the ancient tragic motifs of downfall fit together perfectly.

Patrick Findeis, Dieter Moor, Margit Czöppan (Foto ORF/Johannes Puch)
Margit Czöppan presents the German author Patrick Findeis with the 3sat Prize. In the background are presenter Dieter Moor and juror Daniela Strigl.

